I was responsible for designing and maintaining the websites for JFK Runway Run and JFK Rotary Club for many years. JFK Runway Run is an annual fundraising event hosted by JFK Rotary Club, a non-profit organization that elects new president every few years. The event involves people running or walking on a runway at an international airport.
JFKRunwayRun.org and JFKRotaryClub.org were initially separate websites. However, a new president requested that both websites be merged into one. The subsequent president then had JFKRotaryClub.org revamped and JFKRunwayRun.org moved back to being a separate website.
During this time, I took the opportunity to overhaul JFKRunwayRun.org and make its homepage similar in appearance to the revamped JFK Rotary Club website, in order to maintain consistency. The result was a visually appealing website that still retains over 20 years of race data, photographs, and information.