Deaf Colorado Logo

by | May 3, 2022 | ASL with Julie, Deaf Colorado, Logos, Portfolio

Certify to Success Logo
We debated on a variety of known Colorado icons when considering a visual identity for Deaf Colorado, one of our projects. In 2019, Governor Polis released a new logo that represented Colorado so well that it is hard to improve. Permissionable for use in unifying Colorado groups; we’ve changed very little: choosing only to add words and continue the colors.

Task List:

  • An identity for Deaf Colorado
Certify to Success Logo
The tree represents Colorado’s many natural resources and its outdoor spirit, red symbolizes Colorado’s red soil and rocks, yellow represents the state’s abundant sunshine and the wheat of the plains, dual peaks represent the many mountains in the state, and rich blue base represents water, which is vital to our state. The Colorado “C” logo serves as a symbol of Colorado’s strength and a reminder of its friendly and approachable attitude. It is designed to serve as a constant and consistent reminder of everything our spectacular state can be.


Deaf Blue Cats



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